An Evening in Kaslo Library
The billboard on the Kaslo & District Public Library’s front desk announcing my speaking and reading event for the evening..
Kaslo Librarian, Angela Bennett, spent a few moments introducing me and sharing her impressions of my memoir. The library, in its current incarnation, is housed in the town space that operated as the jail from 1898-1913 and then became a storage space for public works. It had a dirt floor when renovations began in 1979! The Local History room, behind me with the partial red brick wall, was renovated in 2008 as part of a BC150 celebration project to open the 1898 “dark cell” which was used for solitary confinement of prisoners. If you’re ever in Kaslo, which is a fascinating, gorgeous town north of Nelson in the West Kootenays, you have to come check it out!
After speaking about The Stone Frigate and what the book means to me, I did a short reading before answering questions. The Kaslo crowd was lively, full of insights, and even shared a few stories of their own. Thank you everyone for participating! Thank you to the Kaslo & District Public Library, especially Angela Bennett, for inviting me to share an evening in your amazing space.
There’s nothing better than a few belly laughs with a good friend.