RMC Class of 1984: Thirty-fifth Reunion on Ex-Cadet Weekend
First order of business during Ex-Cadet weekend—take a walking tour around the College and grounds…
The Frigate Bell…part of the First Year Squadron Runner duty was to ring the bell at noon.
The entrance way to the Frigate has a railing along the moat….our recruit room was the second story window on the top right…
The ARMSTRONG GUN (no relation)…mounted during the War of 1812 and aimed out across the mouth of the St Lawrence River to defend the Martello Tower in the background. The walled-in area is Fort Frederick—Fort Freddie—a cadet safe-haven, hats off area.
The entry door to Bill & Alfie’s Cadet Pub is found in the alley between Yeo Hall and Fort Haldimand…
Renovated Cadet Dining Hall.
The Commandant’s Hallway in Mackenzie Building looking at the very spot where someone stood in fear of being kicked out of RMC….
…and is now perfectly happy hanging out with the Principal of RMC in his office.
The Memorial Staircase in Mackenzie building…starting on the second floor the walls are lined with photographs in honour of Cadets who have been killed on active duty.
The Old Eighteen (first RMC Cadets)…on the left…
…and right walls at the base of Memorial Staircase.
And upstairs, the memorial for our dear, dear friend and classmate, Steve…Stein…we miss you brother. I always visit him whenever I’m at RMC.
The statue of Athena…PAX…Peace…as she guards the entrance to Currie Hall.
Currie Hall entrance.
Currie Hall.
View of the RMC Sports Fields across Navy Bay as seen from Fort Henry Hill.
The back of the Frigate as seen (and zoomed) from Fort Henry Hill…and downtown Kingston towers in the background.
Recruit Obstacle Course on Friday Afternoon….
And so it begins…classmates begin to gather in the Frigate…we’re standing in our old recruit term hallway (which has been renovated and is virtually unrecognizable to us).
Soon the Recruits for Class of 2023 and FYOP Staff fill the halls…and we’re swarmed and face painted and drawn into the excitement…some of us came prepared and even brought a salad.
Class of 1984 Frigateers ready to cheer on the new recruits…
Our Frigateer gathering picks up momentum as we meet along the course while cheering for this year’s recruits...
Yea Stone! Yea Boat! Yea Yea Stone Boat!!
Friends for life meeting the second years who will be friends for life too…
Frigateers meet for a Class of 1984 dinner together at Chez Piggy….
Class Party on Friday Night…
A surprise guest gets swarmed in a Charlie’s Angels moment.
Saturday Morning: Regrouping for the First Year Badging Ceremony…
Guest of Honour, Senator Romeo Dallaire, Class of 1970….member of the Old Brigade (Ex-Cadets with 50+ Years since entry into RMC).
Members of the Old Brigade present the brand new First Year Cadets with their RMC Cap Badges.
The First Years (in the blue #4 Uniforms) are integrated into their Squadrons as full-fledged RMC Cadets for the first time.
Trooping the Colours…
Class photo on the Memorial Staircase in the Mackenzie Building….
Afternoon Book Signing Event at the RMC Club of Canada…
Panet House hosts the RMC Club of Canada Gift Shop and offices for the RMC Club…it used to be the DCdts residence when we were Cadets.
Forty years later…
Class Party and Dinner held at the Senior Staff Mess…
Sunday Morning: Ex-Cadet Parade
I was already on my way to the airport…and missed the festivities of the Ex-Cadet Parade.
Cadets line the route as Ex-cadets march to the RMC Arch.
A memorial service is held to read the roll call and honour every Ex-Cadet who has died during the past year.
RMC Cadets return from lining the route to the parade square and await the Ex-Cadets.
The Ex-Cadets show off their present day drill skills in front of the Cadet Wing formed up behind them…
A face-off greeting is held….
…another Class photo is taken…and Ex-Cadet Weekend is a wrap around noon on Sunday.