WMNCanada (Women’s Mentoring Network of Canada) is a guest-based podcast program focused on building women’s community and mentoring-support amongst Women Ex-cadets of Canada’s Military Colleges—RMC, CMR, RRMC—with the overall hope of creating a groundswell effect that will bring about the lasting cultural change necessary for women’s true equality.
I’m so delighted to have been interviewed by Host Amanda Kalhous as the launch guest for Episode 001 of the series! When we first met in September of 2019, our connection was instant and our conversation cut to the heart of the matter for what is important to us, what we stand for, and how we stand for it. We laughed. We cried. We became friends. When she shared her idea of starting a podcast of this nature, I jumped on board and was keen to support Amanda in realizing her dream of launching this program. BZ Amanda on making your dream come true!
Life doesn't get much better than being able to sit back and spend time with empowered, gorgeous, talented, brilliant women in conversation with Amanda. Have a listen. Hope you enjoy the show—the link for my conversation is embedded in the title to this post and will lead you to a series of amazing conversations.
A cartoon rendition of Amanda presenting me with crib sheet notes of her intentions for the Podcast during our second meeting in October 2019.
This thumbnail was posted on WMNCanada Podcast Instagram Account to highlight my interview with Amanda.
e-Veritas Edition 18/2020 announced the podcast
19377 Amanda Kalhous Launches WMNCanada (Women’s Mentoring Network of Canada) Podcast
Anna-Michelle Shewfelt / September 21, 2020
Forty-years ago, in August 1980, the first 32 women entered RMC as full-fledged recruits. Since then, over 1,000 of us have been assigned a College number and passed through the halls of RMC, CMR, and RRMC as ROTP, RETP, and UTPNCM. More often than not, we left MilCol and scattered to the winds. Perhaps we stayed close with a few of the women of our vintage, perhaps not. But mostly, we haven’t really done a great job supporting and mentoring each other either as a community or within our chosen careers.
I would like to change that. I’m in the final stages of implementing a plan to host a new podcast “WMNCanada (Women’s Mentoring Network of Canada)”. The program will be guest-based and focused on building community, empowering each other, and establishing mentoring support amongst Women Ex-cadets. This is not a ‘tribute’ podcast to RMC. The goal is real conversations about what matters most to us. It’s about us. Our stories. Our lives.
I’m looking for volunteers to join me as guests on the program. The first batch of episodes will go live on Friday, September 18th, 2020 on virtual Ex-Cadet Weekend and from that date forward, I’ll release a new episode every second Friday starting on Friday, October 2nd, 2020. Episodes with be pre-recorded, sound edited, and released on schedule. There is a podcast page ready to launch as well as a private Facebook group and public Instagram account.
Part of the format of WMNCanada includes closing each show by asking for other interested guests to contact us directly— a standing, open invitation to anyone who’d like to share their story with all of us. The aim is to reach women from every year of College life since 1980.
If you’re willing and available to be a guest on WMNCanada please email WMNCanada@gmail.com. I will contact you directly with more details. Participation will be simple and easy for you. I’ll make a date and call you for approximately one-hour of conversation that will be edited down to around 45 minutes. We’re interested in your story: your experience at RMC and your life afterward with a focus on what you’re doing now and if you’d be willing to connect with other listeners wanting to network with you.
I’m excited to get started and really look forward to hearing from you.
19377 Amanda (Munro) Kalhous
RMC Class of 1994