Welcome to my world
I’m new to being published and creating an online presence. The publishing phase happened slowly over many years with plenty of time to process and integrate each phase of the new experience. My habit of daily journaling has been crucial to the transformation process. But that journal is private to me. This online journal is something different. It feels immediate and irreversible. It’s meant as a place for me to share more with you, but where to start?
I’ll let myself off the hook and start with something easy. My home life. This is a typical morning scene during my journal time. Our dogs, Johnny Cash and Jackson, are pretty much my constant companions. Most days they wait patiently, yes on the bed, for me to finish up my daily readings, gratitude list, and journal writing so that we can take a walk in the woods or along the Kootenay River before breakfast.
Of course, I can’t share about my home life without including my husband, Rick, who isn’t totally sure about being dragged into all of this but has graciously allowed me to post a photo of him so long as he’s unrecognizable. This one will do the trick.
The biggest thing happening in my world right now is all thanks to Dundurn Press. Thank you for believing in me, in my story, and for working so hard to help me get to this moment. The first copies of my memoir have arrived at their warehouse and are ready for distribution. In the coming weeks, after the official publication date of March 2nd, 2019 for my memoir The Stone Frigate: The Royal Military College’s First Female Cadet Speaks Out, I will be posting a myriad of photos, current news, and backstories here in my Writer’s Journal about many of the events and newsworthy happenings taking place around my book on my experience at the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston, Ontario.
Please keep coming back and checking for updates!