Vancouver Launch Event
There are magical nights in life that one never forgets. My book launch evening in Massy Books will definitely be one of mine. A crowd of friends, family, and graduates of Royal Military College came out to help me celebrate the launch of my memoir. I was totally humbled by the amount of love and support in the room. Thank you everyone for being there!!
Friends and family arriving and taking their seats…
The lovely Dr. Jacqueline Leggatt gave a generous, and hilarious, introduction of me. We met and become friends in Vancouver decades after my time at RMC, which turned out to be exactly the same years that she had been living in Kingston and attending Queens University. During her talk, Jacquie provided some insight on her thoughts as a young woman upon hearing the news of women being admitted at the College. That’s me waiting in the foreground with my speaking notes at the ready!
I spent some time talking about my experience of writing a book, about what the book meant to me, and then gave a short reading.
Greeting guests and getting ready to commence book signings….especially thrilled and honoured to see Bud White, Class of 1949, in the audience. We had first met in 2013 and skied Whistler together — at that time, I had a hard time keeping with him. He’s now 90 years old and still a force to be reckoned with and a dear friend.
The evening was a chance to reconnect with RMC friends…
friends from Counselling School….
…and many more.
I had a blast signing copies of my book for friends.
Earlier in the day, I had discovered that my memoir was topping the charts as an Amazon Best Seller!!
In closing, I can’t say enough great things about Massy Books and highly recommend the space for any event! Situated in downtown Vancouver’s Chinatown, and exuding a sense of having just been plucked straight from a hipster Manhattan neighbourhood, Massy Books provided the perfect venue for my book launch. The book stacks that normally fill the centre of the room are on rollers and were removed to create the event space. There’s even a secret room hidden on the back wall complete with rare books, cozy chairs and an area rug.
Sounds wonderful, right? I’ve saved the best for last. Patricia Massy was so accommodating in every aspect of planning my event during the weeks leading up to the launch that the entire experience was literally stress-free and FUN! The evening was magical, seamless, well attended, and made me feel extremely proud of hosting a great event — thanks to everyone who came out to share the night with me.