Reframe Your LIfe explores the stories and topics that have lead to change and transformation in our lives. Podcast hosts Sandy Reynolds and Patti M. Hall focus on inviting authors and speakers as guests on their show who are sharing powerful stories that have shaped their lives. Reframe Your Life believes in storytelling as a way to make sense of the world around us and to reclaim what is true in our lives.
I’m so delighted to have been interviewed as guest for Episode 112 of the series. Our connection was instant and our conversation cut to the heart of the matter for what is important to us, what we stand for, and how we stand for it. We laughed. We cried. We became friends.
Life doesn't get much better than spending time with empowered, gorgeous, talented, brilliant women like Sandy and Patti. Have a listen. Hope you enjoy the show—the link is embedded in the title to this post.
Sandy Reynolds
When she’s not busy co-hosting Reframe Your Life, Sandy Reynolds calls herself a ‘learning catalyst’ and works globally helping organizations to strengthen their performance by developing talent and to get clear on their organizational values and strategies. Sandy is currently working on her nonfiction book titled Disappoint More People. As a chronic people-pleaser who has worried about what other people think, for longer than she wants to admit, Sandy is on a mission to help people to live in alignment with their values.
Patti M. Hall
When she’s not busy co-hosting Reframe Your Life, Patti M. Hall is pursuing her passions as a nonfiction writer and a writing coach. In her recently published memoir, Loving Large, Patti shares the story of being pitched into an abyss of uncertainty when a golf ball–sized tumour is discovered in her teenage son’s head. Patti’s attention shifts fully to her son, away from her relationships as well as her own career and health. Patti shares her journey of discovering that resilience is learned and that the changes experienced in the aftermath of crisis can often create the greatest opportunities.