“The Stone Frigate is a fascinating account of the true story of Kate Armstrong, the first female graduate from the esteemed Canadian Royal Military College. When she was accepted to the college, Kate was thrilled, both for the challenge and as a way to escape an abusive family. She is smart, and determined to succeed, no matter what. But she met a wall of resistance from the men, especially the Upperclassmen, who wanted the college to remain men only. Consequently, they did everything they could think of to make her fail. Upperclassmen held a lot of authority over the new cadets and could mete out punishment in the form of punitive late-night extra-exercise drills at their whim. Given the strenuous physical demands on the cadets to begin with, any extra drills were onerous, not just physically, but because they consumed time needed to study for classes. She was only 18, and had to develop a will of steel to survive, in a situation where she was essentially locked up with her harassers for four years. Her story is one of resolve and strength, all delivered with brutal honesty and humor.”
--Terrance Gelenter, The PARIS Readers Circle, January 24, 2024 Edition